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Affordable Escorts Service: The Online Prostitution
14-January-2023 Jane J. Kring

Like other professions, prostitution has also adopted the advanced internet-based business model. In professional language, it is known as Tokyo escort girls. These businesses offer sexual services in exchange for money. Let us discuss it in details.


Online social networking sites are the target marketplace for such businesses. The most popular and age is Facebook. There are groups on Facebook with names such as “Mumbai Escort Services,” Delhi Escort Services,” and many others with different city names. The members in the group ranged from 600 to 700, implying a vast market. They are also present on other social networking sites, such as Twitter and LinkedIn, meant for professionals.

Needs of the sex workers

Most of the sex emploYERS by pimps do not enjoy one moment of their work. They do it for the basic needs of life. Money is the most significant need of sex workers, whether male or female. A tiny percentage also enjoy their work, and they perceive it as a job similar to their regular jobs.


There are different types of customers for male and female esc The customers are mostly rich middlprimarily women of 35 to 50 years for male escorts years. These women have BMWs and Mercedes, as told by one such escort.

Customers of female escorts are all types of men and some women also. It includes businessmen, engineers, architects, professionals etc. Most of them are regular customers.


These businesses charge from 4000 to 25000 per session depending upon the nature of the customer, location, and references, if any. The pimps usually make 20 to 25% as their commission. In an interview, one such pimp said that there is a vast market, and he makes big money now after the failure of his previous ventures.


These groups on social networking sites contain explicit pictures of different persons willing to offer sexual services. There are links directing users to different websites for payment. After that, the business operates in a usual way. The escort gets to the client’s place to execute the services. After that, there is no obligation of any of the parties involved. These businesses take at most care of the privacy of their clients.


Social media sites have different rules and regulations for this kind of business they do not allow such adult businesses, in their domain but the content produced by such service providers is so large that it becomes nearly impossible to detect each one of the posts and delete it. Another reason why these sites do not take strict measures is that they are not available to the general public in the sense, that only the person who is interested in such services will be able to find them. Because most of the pages and groups and pages are private.


Even though these affordable escorts sites are not completely legal but they still operate because there is a need for them. This satisfies the wants of both the parties involved.